Saturday, May 30, 2009

New Rockhopper Background.

I have finally met Rockhopper!!! Well, I've met him before but haven't gotten this background! I found him on the server hibernate.
Rockhopping hints: Look on a populated server. About four or five bars.

Have you found him yet? Good-luck! He leaves tomorrow.

Also, Slider94 has now joined CPSC. He is going to be helping me post.



Anonymous said...

hey! i see you have like ALOT o Money!! how did you get that much? Just wondering! make a post or something with the answer or comment if you can :)

Outtacntrll said...

The best way to make money, is Puffle Round Up. I am the master at the game. I can earn 20000 coins in 10 minutes. If you are not good at the game, cart surfer is a pretty good money maker. The most money you can have, is 1000000. The reason why I don't have one million in that picture, was because I had just spent it on the new Sports catalog. I always stay at one million.


Club Penguin Time Zone (CPTZ)